The Wet Vs. Dry Dog Food Debate: Which One Should I Feed My Puppy?

dog's food

As a pet owner, you are going to want nothing but the best for your new little puppy. For that reason, making dietary decisions can be a daunting task given the variety of foods available in the pet food aisle, each with the promise of something extraordinary.Not to put even more pressure on you, but the diet not only impacts your pup’s development directly, but also his/her overall health as well. So, decisions made need to be as informed as they can be.

cansFortunately, making a decision is not as complicated as one might think since your choices narrow down to either wet dog food (canned) or dry dog food (kibble).

This is because most foods in the market are complete foods, hence they will adequately provide your puppy with all the nutrition he/she needs.

Read on as we explore key differences between wet and dry dog food types, to help you pick the best option for your puppy.

Wet Dog Food: Pros and Cons

Wet foods are usually packaged in cans.

They have a lot of nutritional benefits as they pack all the minerals, protein, fats and vitamins needed for proper development and maintenance of good health.

Due to airtight packaging, wet dog foods have no chemical preservatives or additives.

This will make all the difference for puppies with allergies or sensitive digestive systems.

They also have a high water content, therefore being are a great source of hydration for puppies that may be reluctant to drink water.

In addition to that, wet food formulas have a rich, meaty scent and flavor, which makes them a more appetizing and palatable choice to the puppy.

It is perfect for picky eaters, sick pups or for pups that are generally lacking in appetite.

wet dog's foodHealthwise, wet dog food formulas make a practical choice since the puppy gets full faster, ensuring they do not ingest any more calories than they actually need.

This makes them a great choice for big dogs with big appetites.

They are also a practical choice for dogs with dental problems and dogs with small mouths since wet foods are generally easier to chew and swallow.

Some of the drawbacks of wet foods include the fact that they lose their shelf life once opened.

After a can is opened, it should be sealed and refrigerated immediately to avoid spoilage.

It is advisable to buy this type of dog food in small amounts.

In most cases, buying wet foods is less economical compared to buying dry dog food as they are more costly.

Pups are also likely to make more of a mess while eating wet food.

Dry Dog Food: Pros and Cons

Dry kibble is the convenient option of the two, in terms of feeding and storage.

They are often sold in bulk, which means you get to save a few coins since you make fewer trips to the store.

Additionally, dry foods are generally cheaper than wet foods, therefore, a cost-effective option especially for pet owners with many pets.

They also don’t spoil as fast as wet foods do, and do not need refrigeration once opened.

You only need to seal the paper or cardboard box it came in, to make it less accessible to insects, pests, rodents or even the pup itself.

Dry foods can be left out for the puppy to eat at its own convenience and pace without worrying about the food going bad.

There is also a lot easier to clean your auto dog feeder if you’re using dry food only.

This could come in very handy in the event that you have to go on a short trip away from home.

dog's foodDry foods are more convenient to use in most automatic dog feeders, to ensure your puppy has access to the right meal portions at regular intervals.

Dry food formulas can be used as an effective treat while training the puppy, and are easy to clean up.

Plus, they contribute to good dental health, since the crunchy nature of these foods removes plaque from the puppy’s teeth as they chew, thus cleaning them.

On the flip side, the most obvious drawback of dry foods is that they do not provide moisture like wet foods do.

Ensure that the pup drinks adequate amounts of water after eating dry foods because they need fluids to stay hydrated.

Fluids are also great for a healthy urinary tract.

Kibbles are also less palatable and less appetizing to dogs since it is unlike anything they would normally want to ingest out there in the wild.
So in most cases, you could find that a fussy eater might be completely put off by dry foods and choose to go for wet foods instead.

Wet foods mostly have a high fat and protein content, while dry foods tend to have a higher carbohydrate content.

Animal-based proteins are more integral to your pup’s development compared to carbohydrates.

Dry foods are also an impractical choice for ill puppies, or for puppies that stay in hot and dry climates.

dry dog's foodThey also contain synthetic preservatives and colors, which may not be so good for puppies with allergies or for puppies with sensitive digestive tracts.

Final Verdict

In conclusion, neither type is wrong or right for your pup, unless there are very specific considerations to be made.

You also have the option of mixing wet and dry foods, as it combines the benefits of both and adds variety in texture.

Plus, it conditions the pup to be more accepting of variety as they grow.

Veterinarians recommend mixing 25% wet and 75% dry.

Ultimately, whether you choose wet food, dry food or a mixture of the two, read the nutritional information on the packaging carefully to make sure that whatever you choose adequately meets your pup’s nutritional requirements.

Remember to read the ingredients as well, and choose the best quality of dog food within your price range.

Low-quality ingredients will most certainly do more harm than good.

Should you have any other concerns, talk to your vet for further advice, since there may be other considerations to be made depending on your pup’s age or breed.

Always provide clean drinking water at all times to keep the puppy hydrated.

About the Author:

Dogs problem solver. Puppy specialist. Hardcore troublemaker. Woof internet lover. Social media junkie.

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