Have you already joined the large community of pet owners using CBD oil for improving their pets’ wellbeing? If not, you should definitely try experiencing the merits of this amazing oil, which nowadays besides the standard forms, can be also found in the form of cbd dog treats.
Those pet owners who had trouble administrating cannabinoid oil to their dogs, have finally discovered the perfect method of administration. As dogs are particularly keen on treats, they’re the perfect way to mask the substance which they otherwise sense and refuse to ingest.
Nevertheless, these are some of the most significant factors you should take into consideration prior to purchasing this product for the first time.
Look for a certificate of analysis
An essential factor to look for when purchasing CBD dog treats is the certificate of analysis of the substance used in the product. This analysis is a proof that the oil has been tested in a laboratory, showing high concentration of cannabinoid, but none of THC. Although you’ll find plenty of products featuring 0, 03 % of THC, which is considered not to be harmful, don’t be fooled by this fact. This percentage might not have any negative effect on humans, but on animals it surely does.
Therefore, never purchase treats unless you’re certain they don’t contain any THC. Moreover, if the seller can’t provide a certificate of analysis, immediately discredit it from your list of potential vendors, as not providing a COA is a clear sign of illegal practices. Laboratory analysis costs vendors plenty of money which is a reason more for them to publish it on their e-store websites.
Choose the best form of administration
There’re numerous methods of administrating CBD to your dog, largely depending on its habits in order to make the process of administration easier. For instance, the most popular methods are undoubtedly the dog treats and tincture, although you can also find this substance in the form of capsules and topical creams.
Dog owners have accepted treats as the most efficient way of providing the cannabidiol dose, as dogs look forward to consuming them. This substance is used for producing various snack types in different shapes, sizes and taste. You’re provided with the option of using them as part of their meals or to give them solely as a snack.
On the other hand, tincture is characterized by a stronger smell and taste due to its high concentration of CBD. It can be purchased in a liquid form, packed in bottles which are equipped with a dropper for simple administration.
However, dogs refuse to consume tincture directly from the dropper which is why you have to find an alternative method such as using your fingers to apply it straight in their mouth, more precisely in a sublingual manner. Another method you can try is to put a few drops on their paws, so they will consume it by licking them or perhaps the most practical way would be to put drops in the food they consume or the water they drink. Click here for everything you need to know on CBD tinctures.
In addition, cannabinoid capsules have the same effect as treats and tincture, since they are consumed orally as well. Anyhow, they are the least preferred method of administration as they can’t be combined with food or drink, plus having no taste, which would tempt the dogs to ingest them.
Moreover, the topical CBD creams are used only in cases when your dog suffers from severe inflammation, itchiness or joint pain. Naturally, they have much lower effect than the other forms as they don’t enter the blood system directly like the ones ingested orally.
CBD doesn’t take a lot time to begin affecting your dog’s organism, as much as fifteen minutes, while it remains in its bloodstream for about ten hours. Dosage is determined in accordance with the cause as well as the gravity of the health issue.
It’s extremely important to set the right dosage and who would be the best person to consult about it, than your vet. Prior to making a purchase for the first time, make sure you pay a visit to your vet in order to determine the exact cause of your dog’s unordinary behavior. By discovering the health problem, your vet will immediately know which dosage is suitable for treating the condition.
Apart from consulting him/her, you can always read the instructions provided by the seller. They are supposed to provide a list of all uses along with the recommended dosage.
Wrap up
In case you haven’t tested the benefits of cannabinoid treats on your dog, it’s high time to do it.
They’ll help you transform it into the lively and energetic pet it once used to be!